Saturday, May 17, 2008

Halo 1 / COD4

Just wanted to throw this in after my previous article (praising my new PS2).

Halo 1 is repetitive.

I can not fucking COUNT the number of gray corridors I passed through in this game and the number of times in this fucking ship where I entered a room surrounding a round room where I shoot a shitload of monsters then fucking go to a bridge, then repeat. I couldn't finish this game because I realized how shitty Halo is (even though I just played this one, but I did watch gameplay videos of the other two and they suck dick) and how fucking REPETITIVE this game IS.

You will be seeing alot of GRAY in this game, because I guess to achieve something you need GRAY. Fuck, and I made sure my shitty TV wasn't fucking up. Trust me, this is the GRAYEST game you will ever fucking play.

The other games apparently are repetitive, so I've heard, so I am NOT GOING TO TOUCH the OTHER GOD DAMN SEQUELS. THIS GAME YOU DESTROYED A FUCKING RING, I am PRETTY sure that the ending of one of the sequels ended with Master Chief fucking up but somehow survived a nuclear bomb because that's the kind of guy he is.

So overall, this game deserves a -299,999,999,999,999/10.

COD4 -

Because this review is going to be too damn small for it's own article, I'm putting them both side by side.

COD4 sucks dick. Even for the missions where you have to be secret, there always seems to be a bunch of shit perfectly placed to hind behind under open and close-fire (which occurs alot or all the time in this game). I guess in real life somebody places forts and shit all over the world so you can survive while the enemy runs through open space as if you couldn't see them while they blindly shoot at you. Some of them even raise the gun over their head behind forts, and I've seen a video and I guess our enemy really does that (god damnit learn to shoot you fucking morons).

I guess we were meant to be winners weren't we? Or maybe there just happens to be places to hide behind.

Cardboard boxes are strong in this game too, because a bunch of fire and RPGs can never destroy the awesome that is of a cardboard box.

If a game would be realistic it'd be nice. Nobody's going to lose sense of reality if someone's worried, all you have to do is look a little bit down and see the bottom of your TV and say, "oh."

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